When Delray Beach rejected proposals Barry was there. After attending every meeting, Barry Frette, who lives on the golf course, said "It's time to redevelop, but without selling off any land for hotels or multifamily development."
There is mention that the commission wished the residents would have given pushback earlier in the process. The truth is there was nothing open for public opinion until late in the process, so there was no way for residents to get involved. Once the city allowed residents to get involved, that is when they got the pushback.
Ryan Boylston, Vice Mayor for the City of Delray Beach, did the right thing and held back his vote. He said he could not move forward with any of the proposals after hearing the residents' pushback. He did the right thing, thank you Ryan.
You can read more about all of the updates here: Delray Beach Golf Course - Click Here
If you want to discuss why Delray Beach rejects proposals to redevelop, please contact Barry at 561-880-5587 or click here to email him - Contact Barry